About Us
Hello and welcome to the Official Pokémon Go Newton Abbot Website!
You can find information about the community on our Discord server. We meetup at Courtenay Park to participate in Community Days, Raid Hours, Go Fest and other in game events.
Don't hesitate to also check out our Instagram account for any rare Pokémon we catch with good IV! (This is also posted on the Discord Server, the Instagram page is for people who don't want Discord)
Overall we are a friendly community and always welcome new members.

What we do within the community
Join us as we take part in events!
Sharing Knowledge
Everyone in the community is willing to trade.
Dont know about a specific pokemon's weaknesses? Ask any of us and we can tell you!

Join the Discord Server!

Events and meetups take place at the Band Stand at Courtenay Park.
If you have any questions you can ask us on Discord in the support channel.